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FinTech Regulatory Update: What to Expect in 2021 by Baker McKenzie

FinTech Regulatory Update: What to Expect in 2021 by Baker McKenzie


After a year of major regulatory compliance initiatives and continued enforcement activity in the UK and abroad, the turn of the year is a good time to assess the impact of recent developments and look ahead to what FinTechs should expect from regulators in 2020.

During this seminar, we will look to provide an overarching policy update from UK and EU perspectives, and hone in on some of the key themes of focus – financial crime (including the 5MLD), consumer protection, financial resources, open access to finance, and cybersecurity. We will also provide the latest on regulatory enforcement trends and their relevance in the FinTech space.

Register here https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O3reR969SDSx8GwS-h2dSA?utm_campaign=member&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=105792399&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--EfjdCBfENdVzPy-YFj9V0ne_t3MVPTyR0NHLeAKp-KmwdTFywVH6UOd9gorm3Ye_3h3WuGrPsRa5e7I_RpbhdN8Rnq3qPUbA-OA_9z-NDHbS9Egc&utm_content=105792399&utm_source=hs_email

Artículo tomado de Innovate Finance
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